Jeremy Vintcent Psychotherapy and Counselling in Brighton and Hove

Jeremy Vintcent BPF, BPC, EMDR Psychotherapist Brighton

I am an experienced Psychotherapist practicing in Brighton & Hove. I run the BPF Infant Observation Training in Brighton. I am a member of the British Psychoanalytic Council, British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapyand the British Psychotherapy Foundation.

"Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards."

Take some time to look through my website to get a feel for what I offer as a therapist and counsellor.

Asking for help can be daunting. People sometimes think,

"Can anyone really understand or help me?"


"Am I exaggerating my problems?"

Psychotherapy can help. I provide a safe, reliable and confidential space to listen and think together about what has brought you to where you are today. Therapy helps you to make changes for yourself. The purpose is to free yourself from painful ideas and self defeating thinking. As a result you are likely to experience improvements particularly in the areas of love and work.

Being in therapy means being prepared to consider a different viewpoint from your own. This can be challenging but also rewarding. Feeling understood rather than judged enables change. As does letting go of outdated thinking.

I offer short term Counselling in which we meet once weekly for a period of time.

I offer long term Psychotherapy which usually means meeting two or three times per week.

I offer supervision to psychotherapists and counsellors.

Why have psychotherapy?

People seek out therapy for all sorts of reasons.
These include....

• Depression
• Anxiety
• Loneliness or Isolation
• Marital or Relationship problems
. Family Conflicts
. Lacking meaning or purpose in life
. Work Related Difficulties

I offer an initial consultation where we can meet to discuss and think about what you need.

I practice in Brighton & Hove.

Please contact me if you have any questions.


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